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B. Suarez Gonzalez, F. Vela-Soria, F. Castiello, A. Olivas Martinez, D. Acuña Castroviejo, J. Gomez-Vida, N. Olea Serrano, M.F. Fernandez Cabrera and C.M. Freire Santa Cruz,  "Organophosphate pesticide exposure, hormone levels, and interaction with PON1 polymorphisms in male adolescents.", "Science of the Total Environment" , vol.769, 144563-, 2021
A. Mañas, P. Gómez-Redondo, P.L. Valenzuela, J.S. Morales Rojas, A. Lucia Mulas and I. Ara ,  "Unsupervised home-based resistance training for community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials", "Ageing Research Reviews" , vol.69, -, 2021
R. Scalco, A. Lucia Mulas, A. Santalla-Hernández, A. Martinuzzi, V. Marinella, G. Reni, A. Toscano, O. Musumeci, N. Voermans, C. Kouwenberg, P. Laforet, B. San-Millán, I. Vieitez, G. Siciliano, E. Kühnle, R. Trost, S. Sacconi, M. Stemmerik, H. Durmus, B. Kierdaszuk, A. Wakelin, A.L. Andreu, T. Pinós, R. Martí, R. Quilivan and J. Vissing,  "Data from the European registry for patients with McArdle disease and other muscle glycogenoses (EUROMAC)", "Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases" , vol.15, 330-, 2020
E. Mercado-Palomino, J. Richards, A. Molina Molina, J.M. Benitez-Sanchez and A. Ureña Espa,  "Can kinematic and kinetic differences between planned and unplanned volleyball block jump-landings be associated with injury risk factors?", "Gait & Posture" , vol.79, 71-79, 2020
A. Filter, B. Requena and J. Olivares Jabalera,  "Curve sprinting in soccer: relationship with linear sprints and vertical jump performance", "Biology of Sport" , -, 2020
P. Valenzuela, A. Castillo-García, J.S. Morales Rojas, P. De La Villa, H. Hampel, E. Emanuele, S. Lista and A. Lucia Mulas,  "Exercise benefits on Alzheimer's disease: State-of-the-science ", "Ageing Research Reviews" , -, 2020
J.S. Morales Rojas, P. Valenzuela, A.M. Herrera-Olivares, A. Baño-Rodrigo, A. Castill-García, C. Rincón-Castanedo, A. Martín-Ruiz, A.F. San Juan, C. Fiuza-Luces and A. Lucia Mulas,  "Exercise Interventions and Cardiovascular Health in Childhood Cancer: a Meta-Analysis ", "International Journal of Sports Medicine" , vol.41, 141-153, 2020
P.A. Latorre-Roman, P.J. Consuegra, M. Martínez-Redondo, A.J. Cardona Linares, J. Salas-Sánchez, M. Lucena-Zurita, D.D.L.C. Manjón-Pozas, I. Jimenez, J. Aragón Vela, F. García Pinillos, A. Robles Fuentes and J.A. Párraga-Montilla,  "Complex Gait in Preschool Children in a Dual-Task Paradigm Is Related to Sex and Cognitive Functioning: A Cross-Sectional Study Providing an Innovative Test and Reference Values", "Mind, Brain, and Education" , vol.14, 351-360, 2020

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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