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Lista de artículos

A. Filter, B. Requena, A. Santalla-Hernández, J. Olivares Jabalera and J. Robles-Rodríguez,  "How does curve sprint evolve across different age-categories in soccer players?", "Biology of Sport" , -, 2021
A. Pérez Castilla, A. García Ramos, D. Janicijevic, G. Delgado García, F.J. Rojas-Ruiz and M. Cepero Gonzalez,  "Between-session reliability of performance and asymmetry variables obtained during unilateral and bilateral countermovement jumps in basketball players", "PLoS One" , vol.16, e0255458-, 2021
V. Serrano-Huete, P.A. Latorre-Roman, F. García Pinillos, N. Romero -Franco, J.A. Morcillo Losa and J.A. Párraga-Montilla,  "The body balance variability of judo athletes during a contest ", "Archives of Budo" , vol.17, 205-2013, 2021
J.S. Morales Rojas, A. Castillo-García, P.L. Valenzuela, G. Saco-Ledo, A. Mañas, A. Santos Lozano and A. Lucia Mulas,  "Mortality from mental disorders and suicide in male professional American football and soccer players: A meta-analysis", "Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports" , -, 2021
F. Martínez-Martí, P.A. Latorre-Roman, M.S. Martínez-García, V.M. Soto Hermoso, A. Del Cid Mendoza, B.J. López Bedoya and A.J. Palma Lopez,  "Acute Effects of Muscular Fatigue on Vertical Jump Performance in Acrobatic Gymnasts, Evaluated by Instrumented Insoles: A Pilot Study", "Journal of Sensors" , vol.2021, 1-6, 2021
A. Filter, J. Olivares Jabalera, A. Molina Molina, J. Robles-Rodríguez, B. Requena and A. Santalla-Hernández,  "Effect of Ball Inclusion on Jump Performance in Soccer Players: A Biomechanical Approach", "Science and Medicine in Football" , -, 2021
A. Filter and B. Requena,  "Curve Sprint in Elite Female Soccer Players: Relationship with Linear Sprint and Jump Performance", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health" , -, 2021
D. Janicijevic, A. García Ramos, J.L. Lamas-Capero, F. García Pinillos, A. Marcos -Blanco, J. Rojas, J. Weakly and A. Pérez Castilla,  "Comparison of the two most commonly used gold-standard velocity monitoring devices (GymAware and T-Force) to assess lifting velocity during the free-weight barbell back squat exercise", "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology" , -, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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