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G. Delgado García "Kinematics differences between one-handed and two-handed tennis backhand using gyroscopes. An exploratory study", "International Journal of Racket Sports Science" , -, 2022
A. Marcos-Blanco, F. García Pinillos, A. Molina Molina, D. Jaén, V.M. Soto Hermoso and S.A. Ruiz Alias,  "Reliability of the RunScribe TM system to determine kinematic variables of the pelvis during locomotio", "Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics" , vol.24, 83-90, 2022
G. Delgado García and F.T. González Fernández,  "Leg dominance and performance in change of directions tests in young soccer players", "Scientific Reports" , vol.12, 1-9, 2022
P.A. Latorre-Roman, J.A. Párraga-Montilla, A. Robles-Fuentes, L.E. Roche Seruendo, M. Lucena-Zurita, M. Muñoz Jiménez, D.D.L.C. Manjón-Pozas, J. Salas-Sánchez, F. Almeida-Da Conceição and P.J. Consuegra,  "Reference Values of Spatial and Temporal Gait Parameters in a Contemporary Sample of Spanish Preschool Children: A Cross-Sectional Study", "Children" , vol.9, 1150-1151, 2022
P.A. Latorre-Roman, F. García Pinillos, J. Salas-Sánchez, M. Muñoz Jiménez, V. Serrano-Huete, M. Martínez-Redondo, J. Aragón Vela and J.A. Párraga-Montilla,  "A new approach for evaluation of cardiovascular fitness and cardiac responses to maximal exercise test in master runners: a 4 cross-sectional study", "Journal of Clinical Medicine" , vol.11, 1648-, 2022
S.A. Ruiz Alias, A. Molina Molina, V.M. Soto Hermoso and F. García Pinillos,  "A systematic review of the effect of running shoes on running economy, performance and biomechanics: analysis by brand and model", "Sports Biomechanics" , 1-22, 2022
P. Bujalance-Moreno, P.A. Latorre-Roman, A. Martínez Amat and F. García Pinillos,  "Small-sided games in amateur players: rule modification with mini-goals to induce lower external load responses", "Biology of Sport" , vol.39, 367-377, 2022
F. García Pinillos, C. Lago-Fuentes, P. Bujalance-Moreno and A. Pérez Castilla,  "Effect of the menstrual cycle when estimating 1-repetition maximum from the load-velocity relationship during the bench press exercise.", "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" , vol.36, E55-E58, 2022

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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