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J.S. Morales Rojas, P. Valenzuela, C. Rincón-Castanedo, T. Takken, C. Fiuza-Luces, A. Santos Lozano and A. Lucia Mulas,  "Exercise training in childhood cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials ", "Cancer Treatment Reviews" , vol.70, 154-167, 2018
M. Muñoz Jiménez, F. García Pinillos, V.M. Soto Hermoso and P.A. Latorre-Roman,  "Can running kinetics be modified using a barefoot training program?", "Apunts: Medicina de l'Esport" , -, 2018
P. Valenzuela, J.S. Morales Rojas, A. Santos Lozano and A. Lucia Mulas,  "Centenarians breaking records: nature or nurture?", "Age and Ageing" , vol.47, 761-762, 2018
R. Ramirez-Campillo, C. Álvarez, F. García Pinillos, J. Sánchez-Sánchez, J. Yanci, D. Castillo, I. Loturco, H. Chaabene, J. Moran and M. Izquierdo,  "Optimal Reactive Strength Index: Is it an Accurate Variable to Optimize Plyometric Training Effects on Measures of Physical Fitness in Young Soccer Players?", "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" , vol.32, 885-893, 2018
P.A. Latorre-Roman, J.A. Párraga-Montilla, V.M. Soto Hermoso, P.J. Consuegra and F. García Pinillos,  "Analysis of foot strike pattern, rearfoot dynamic and foot rotation over childhood. A cross-sectional study", "Journal of Sports Sciences" , vol.37, 477-483, 2018
P.A. Latorre-Roman, A. Robles -Fuentes, F. García Pinillos and J. Salas-Sánchez,  "Reaction Times of Preschool Children on the Ruler Drop Test: A Cross-Sectional Study With Reference Values", "Perceptual and Motor Skills" , vol.125, 866-878, 2018
G. Delgado García, J. Vanrenterghem, A. Molina Molina and V.M. Soto Hermoso,  "Does stroke performance in amateur tennis players depend on functional power generating capacity? ", "Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness" , vol.59, 760-766, 2018
J.M. Heredia Jimenez, S. Maragallay, E. Orantes Gonzalez and V.M. Soto Hermoso,  "Spatio-temporal differences of locomotion of adult males with normal weight and overweight.", "Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte" , vol.23, 19-22, 2017

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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