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G. Delgado García, J. Vanrenterghem, A. Molina Molina
V.M. Soto Hermoso,
"Does stroke performance in amateur tennis players depend on functional power generating capacity? ", "Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness"
, vol.59, 760-766, 2018
P.A. Latorre-Roman, F. García Pinillos
J. Lopez-Robles ,
"Early sport dropout: High performance in early years in young athletes is not related with later success.", "Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación"
, vol.33, -, 2018
L.E. Roche Seruendo, F. García Pinillos, I. Auria-Martin, A. Bataller-Cervero, P.A. Latorre-Roman
V.M. Soto Hermoso,
"Effects of different percentages of body weight support on spatiotemporal step characteristics during running", "Journal of Sports Sciences"
, vol.36, 1441-1446, 2018
P. Molina García, J. Migueles, C. Cadenas Sánchez, I. Esteban-Cornejo, J.R. Mora González, A. Plaza Florido, A. Molina Molina, G. Delgado García
F.B. Ortega Porcel,
"Fatness and fitness in relation to functional movement quality in overweight and obese children", "Journal of Sports Sciences"
, -, 2018
R. Ramirez-Campillo, C. Álvarez, F. García Pinillos, J. Sánchez-Sánchez, J. Yanci, D. Castillo, I. Loturco, H. Chaabene, J. Moran
M. Izquierdo,
"Optimal Reactive Strength Index: Is it an Accurate Variable to Optimize Plyometric Training Effects on Measures of Physical Fitness in Young Soccer Players?", "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research"
, vol.32, 885-893, 2018
M. Gutiérrez Dávila, D. Pancorbo, J. Olivares Jabalera
F.J. Rojas-Ruiz,
"Contribución de los brazos en el aterrizaje del salto vertical", "RICYDE: Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte"
, vol.14, 163-173, 2018
F. García Pinillos, P.A. Latorre-Roman, J.A. Párraga-Montilla, R. Ramirez-Campillo
L.E. Roche Seruendo,
"How does the slope gradient affect spatiotemporal parameters during running? Influence of athletic level and vertical and leg stiffness", "Gait & Posture"
, vol.11, 72-77, 2018
G. Delgado García "Fatness and fitness in relation to functional movement in overweight/obese children", "Journal of Sports Sciences"
, -, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024