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J.S. Morales Rojas, P. Valenzuela, C. Rincón-Castanedo, T. Takken, C. Fiuza-Luces, A. Santos Lozano
A. Lucia Mulas,
"Exercise training in childhood cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials ", "Cancer Treatment Reviews"
, vol.70, 154-167, 2018
P.A. Latorre-Roman, A. Robles -Fuentes, F. García Pinillos
J. Salas-Sánchez,
"Reaction Times of Preschool Children on the Ruler Drop Test: A Cross-Sectional Study With Reference Values", "Perceptual and Motor Skills"
, vol.125, 866-878, 2018
J.A. Laredo- Aguilera, J.M. Carmona, F. García Pinillos
P.A. Latorre-Roman,
"Effects of a 10-week functional training programme on pain, mood state, depression, and sleep in healthy older adults", "Psychogeriatrics"
, vol.18, 292-298, 2018
P. Valenzuela, J.S. Morales Rojas, A. Santos Lozano
A. Lucia Mulas,
"Centenarians breaking records: nature or nurture?", "Age and Ageing"
, vol.47, 761-762, 2018
P. Bujalance-Moreno, F. García Pinillos
P.A. Latorre-Roman,
"Effects of a small-sided game-based training program on repeated sprint and change of direction abilities in recreationally-trained soccer players", "Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness"
, vol.58, 1021-1028, 2018
P. Bujalance-Moreno, P.A. Latorre-Roman
F. García Pinillos,
"A systematic review on small-sided games in football players: Acute and chronic adaptations", "Journal of Sports Sciences"
, vol.29, 1-29, 2018
P.A. Latorre-Roman, J.A. Párraga-Montilla, I. Guardia-Monteando
F. García Pinillos,
"Foot strike pattern in preschool children during running: sex and shod¿unshod differences", "European Journal of Sport Science"
, vol.18, 407-414, 2018
F. García Pinillos, P.A. Latorre-Roman, R. Ramirez-Campillo, J.A. Párraga-Montilla
L.E. Roche Seruendo,
"Minimum time required for assessing step variability during running at submaximal velocities", "Journal of Biomechanics"
, vol.80, 186-195, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024