@inproceedings{ Marín_Coll-risco_Borges_Acosta-Manzano_Baena_De_Crespo-antolín_NESTARES_Aparicio,

author = { Nuria Marín and Irene Coll-risco and Milkana M Borges Cosic and Pedro Acosta-Manzano and Laura Baena García and Marta De La Flor-alemany and Lara Crespo-antolín and TERESA NESTARES PLEGUEZUELO and Virginia A Aparicio García-Molina } ,

title = { Association of self-reported physical fitness during early pregnancy with lumbar and sciatic pain. Findings from the GESTAFIT project },

booktitle = { I Jornadas de Neurocientíficas },

year = { 2018 },

pages = { None - None },

location = { Centro de Investigación Biomédica (CIBM), Granada },
