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P.A. Latorre-Roman, J.A. Párraga-Montilla, A. Robles-Fuentes, L.E. Roche Seruendo, M. Lucena-Zurita, M. Muñoz Jiménez, D.D.L.C. Manjón-Pozas, J. Salas-Sánchez, F. Almeida-Da Conceição and P.J. Consuegra,  "Reference Values of Spatial and Temporal Gait Parameters in a Contemporary Sample of Spanish Preschool Children: A Cross-Sectional Study", "Children" , vol.9, 1150-1151, 2022
D. Janicijevic, A. García Ramos, J.L. Lamas-Capero, F. García Pinillos, A. Marcos -Blanco, J. Rojas, J. Weakly and A. Pérez Castilla,  "Comparison of the two most commonly used gold-standard velocity monitoring devices (GymAware and T-Force) to assess lifting velocity during the free-weight barbell back squat exercise", "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology" , -, 2021
G. Delgado García and M. Ritacco Real,  "Validity and reliability of NOTCH® inertial sensors for measuring elbow joint angle during tennis forehand at different sampling frequencies", "Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation" , vol.201, 1-8, 2021
P. Valenzuela, J.S. Morales Rojas, A. Santos Lozano, G. Saco-Ledo, L. Diaz-Gonzalez, A. Boraita, C.J. Lavie and A. Lucia Mulas,  "What do we really know about the association between physical activity, sports, and atrial fibrillation? A systematic review and meta-analysis from unbiased studies ", "European Journal of Preventive Cardiology" , -, 2021
A. Filter, B. Requena, A. Santalla-Hernández, J. Olivares Jabalera and J. Robles-Rodríguez,  "How does curve sprint evolve across different age-categories in soccer players?", "Biology of Sport" , -, 2021
F. Llavero, L.B. Alejo, C. Fiuza-Luces, A. López-Soto, P. Valenzuela, A. Castillo-García, J.S. Morales Rojas, D. Fernández, I. Pagola-Aldazábal, M. Ramírez, A. Santos Lozano, J.L. Zugaza and A. Lucia Mulas,  "Exercise training effects on natural killer cells: a preliminary proteomics and systems biology approach ", "Exercise Immunology Review" , vol.27, 125-141, 2021
P.J. Consuegra, F. García Pinillos, D. Mora, A.J. Cardona Linares, J.A. Párraga-Montilla and P.A. Latorre-Roman,  "Effects of a 10-week running-retraining programme on the foot strike pattern of adolescents: A longitudinal intervention study", "Gait & Posture" , vol. 83, 147-151, 2021
P.A. Latorre-Roman, J.A. Párraga-Montilla, F. García Pinillos and J. Salas-Sánchez,  "Mood response in training and rest condition in veteran endurance runners with a negative addiction to running: a pilot study", "Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte" , vol.16, 477-484, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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